That’s it…. That’s the entire blog.



Nah, just kidding.

Seriously, though!

If any of you is a YouTuber I think you know what I mean.

We reached 595 Subscribers and after that we get two more, and the next day they’re gone. WHAT!! What happened! What did we do? We can change? Is there someone else?

We’ve tried reactions, Vlogs, Challenges. We only get comments from the same two people (thank the Universe we get any) and a couple likes, about 50 views and that’s it.

No interaction, nothing.

I know I shouldn’t be frustrated so soon. We did get 595 subscribers in 4 months but it seems we’ve hit some sort of plateau.

Is anybody out there a YouTuber? Got any ideas? Encouragement? Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies?

Mentally Ill People Are Dangerous (And Why Trump Is Not Stupid)

This is amazing and so fun to read. The sarcasm is on point!!!


Donald Trump is not stupid.

That might come as a shock to many people and quite frankly it comes as a shock to me too. Especially given the endless stream of nonsense that emanates from that orange blob. It is true though, he is not stupid. Even after he came out today, in the wake of yet another mass shooting, to determine that guns are in no way relevant when a man killed 26* men, women and children… with a gun. But the gun wasn’t relevant so we don’t need to talk about it. By the way, 26 dead makes it the deadliest shooting in Texan history, which comes only weeks after the deadliest shooting in US history. That wasn’t the time to talk about guns either, apparently. If you are keeping score though that brings the mass shooting tally to 307 mass shootings in 309 days.

In fact, it is…

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Turns Out It Decides To Pause

I had a really hard couple of days and I wanted to give up every single day. And I asked myself if the suicidal thoughts would ever stop.

Turns out it decides to pause from time to time. And it feels great.

In three days I signed up for the acting workshop I’ve been wanting to go to, my sister (who also has bipolar disorder) got a sponsorship as a personal trainer and appeared on the newspaper twice and I got the job I wanted where they made me take a million tests and I was already giving up.

It doesn’t necessarily stop… But once in a while the planets align and it takes a break.

It lets you live.

Will it ever stop?

This is what I ask myself every day. Every time a suicidal thought comes to my head.
Living with Bipolar Disorder is absolute shit.
I hate it.
Will it ever get any better?
Will I be able to pass one day without thinking of ways to kill myself?
I’ve never actually attempted anything… I don’t think I could. But the fact that every day of my life when I have an episode I start thinking that I should just go ahead and do it. I plan how, when. I research ways it wouldn’t hurt.

Will it ever stop?


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Hi! Everyone! Belen, here. On Monday I´ll be posting a video about Mental Illness on our YouTube Channel

I found out about this new campaing called “I don´t mind” on Instagram

You can read everything about it on

I decided to do this because I´ve had depression for a long time and a couple months ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.

If you want to know more about my story, watch my video on Monday November 6th.

See you there!
